Tuesday, February 17, 2009

85% of employees were vaccinated

State Health Commissioner Richard Daines was in Syracuse last week to meet with hospital CEOs and their staffs about community health issues. One of Dr. Daines' questions: what percentage of hospital employees received the flu vaccination?

At Community General, 85% of our active employees were vaccinated this season, and that's up from our 73% vaccination rate last year. In addition, Community immunized over 400 members of employee families and the medical staff.

I've written before about the importance of the herd effect in preventing influenza among hospital patients and staff.

Congratulations to the staffs of Community's Infection Control and Employee Health Offices, as well as to the nursing leaders who assisted in achieving the 85%. And thanks, especially, to employees who recognize their responsibility to patients and staff in helping prevent the spread of influenza.

Nationally the average flu vaccination rate for hospital employees was 44% during the 2007-2008 flu season.

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